Martes, Enero 3, 2012

A Self-interview About Me As A Drummer For Star Castle Band

This is sorta pretty weird, but there are some things that I want to express about myself as a drummer for Star Castle Band, and I'm gonna bring it all up through answering my "self-made" questionnaire. For any Star Castle affiliates, you are welcome to read my thoughts here in my blog. However, take note that I'm going to be completely honest with my answers- since this is how "I" feel about being a drummer; for the band.

1.) How has it been going along as a drummer for Star Castle Band? How do you find your band mates?

-It's been great! Band and I had already had our first two gigs. What was so cool about the gigs that I've been is that I've been exposed to what life is like being a band member for my group, and those are the moments that we get to show ourselves to other bands that had already (even to those who are about to) experienced performing in front of a crowd. It was pretty jittery to walk up on stage because most eyes are gonna lay on me and I'm gonna have to appear pleasant to them- well, this is how I usually think when getting exposed to the public and do my thing. I sorta feel nervous that if I make a mistake or unconsciously do something "unnecessary," they'd laugh at me. But musical exposure even to such environments is what I really want! First of all, I love drumming, and I've participated in many recitals which I display my talents in front of many people. All I really want is to gain a recognition as a "great" drummer, who is able to inspire others to play drums very well. Hehe. It just feels really nice to know that there would be people who became great drummers because of you. So, there- I had to do my thing in front of the many bands watching, and simply enjoy the performance. Pulling off a really good show isn't really what mattered to me, though it could be. But what I really wanted was just to simply have fun drumming while being watched by others, and play along with my band mates.

Speaking of band mates, it's been a blessing that I've finally found myself a band. But honestly speaking, it's been pretty recent since I've become part of this band, so if you guys were in my shoes, you would feel the way that I did- like feel "new" to your new set of friends who aim to do a common enjoyed activity. (If any of the members are reading this, now is the open forum for us guys.) Jade, our band's guitarist appeared cocky. The way he talked already gave me that description of him. He'd just declare things that we, as a band, still need to agree upon. But it turned out that he's actually a cool person underneath the personality he displayed on our first meeting. We started our first jam on our first meeting, and it was pretty cool! I was able to display my modest but incredible talent, and I loved the comment thrown to me by everyone. Hehe. Apparently, that's very encouraging to for me to do my part. The first song we played was their original composition titled "DNE" and I was able to fill perfectly into the song, and that includes my own drum solos, and they went perfectly well with the song! So, I had an instant thought that I can stay long with the guys in the band, and make many achievements together.

(I think I wanna profile everyone in the band now, after sharing my impression about guitarist.) Ching was a cool person, and is indeed a cool person! Hehe. I got to know a starter background of her personality when I was on my way to rendezvous with Michelle. She was funny, and pulled out funny jokes while we waited for the rest of the band members coming at a Dunkin Donuts store at SM Manila. She had displayed a lot of energy singing and playing the bass guitar during our jam, and that had set up a lively environment, keeping the atmosphere in the studio lively.

Michelle, just like Ching, is also a cool person. She's funny, full of sense of humor, and I even had an impression of her as the "wildest" member of the group. Hehe. She jokes a lot too, and laughs really hard, and just expresses a lot of things, that would guarantee a fun, loud, and a bubbly environment. What stood up to me during our first jam is that she's indeed loud and guffaws a lot, having fun with the microphone, plays a lot in the studio with the guitars, and do lots of other fun stuff, and that represents her personal "radiance." She's a very happy person, playful, and even cheerful. To be exact, a party girl! Hehe.

Allan is someone pretty laid back (though I already know him ever since we we back in high school). He's just a "cool" person who just sits around quietly with us during our first meeting, and is "simply" there to jam along with us. He catches the songs taught to him by our guitarist very well, and he's just- calm.

After sharing a brief description of each of the members (two of them had already gone at present), it "me" time. Unlike them, I was pretty- uhm.. Intact. Even though I played the drums at a very high level, I appeared gloomy, and I think others had a first impression of me as that, and a serious person. Hahaha! I know that doesn't fit in the band's chemistry, and honestly, I had serious issues that time. And no, I won't yak about them here. Anyway, I was "that" during our first meeting, I didn't intend to be that way (and that was definitely not me), but that was was. I can't explain exactly why, but definitely it was under the influences of my issues. But the succeeding jams made me a bit softer.

2.) What do you like (and dislike) about the band? Would there be anything about the band that you would want to suggest/ change?

-I loved the developing chemistry among us. Not only as a band, but as group friends. To me, it felt like I've finally found myself a "happy family." That time, I was exposed to a very serious environment that came from serious people- and no, I did not intend to be with them, but I had to for the sake of accomplishing serious matters somewhere and elsewhere. And meeting these people with such radiant personalities are slowly cracking the ice that enveloped me. First of all, I liked everyone of the band because of their jolly and carefree personalities, and I felt pretty shy because I'm.. not like them at the moment. I felt a bit uncomfortable because I afraid that I might not fit the band's chemistry. But it's a blessing that each member made me "feel at home"and I felt REALLY comfortable with them. But in the back of my mind, it seemed like it had a price, so that was what made me "slow" to unveil my radiance underneath the ice. But over time, I'm getting to know them much more, and I also get to adapt slowly to their social environment. However, there were also things that turned me off about the band. I don't mean to expose some issues. But apparently, there are three of us remaining. I didn't know what had been going on during the past days that led to the dismissal of the other members. One night, Michelle chatted me about the first band issue: that Allan's not much paid with much attention. I did the favor but the cause was pretty tough to negotiate with. However, I failed. Sadly, Allan left the band. The next issue was worse. Because in a band, there needs to have four members. But Michelle declares her self-dismissal from the band, leaving me and the two remaining. After that, I'm confronted with a great deal of frustration, and I opted to question- and even defy the two. But, I don't know. Maybe it's because that I've known the two members for quite a long time, rendering me powerless for a debate. I wanted to leave the band without them knowing, but Jade just grappled me into staying. Lucky him, he was in time to do that, but honestly, even though he's a close friend, I still have grudges on him. (Dude, if you're reading this, I'm just being completely honest, man. I mean absolutely no offense. What I just want to impose right now is for you to "be there" and be "more considerate" and to be exact, "make each of us feel comfortable being in the band" next time). But that is past, and complaining about it won't do me good. Besides, that issue had already iced up and we all got the justice that we want. So, let's just continue what we enjoy doing as a band, forgive and forget, and look forward to what we want to become ahead.

3. What are you now currently up to, as a member of the band?

-Simply enjoy doing what I enjoy doing, meet (and greet) new faces, learn new lessons, experiences, more gigs- now, we have two gigs coming up this month. One will be at the 7th of this month, and the second will be in the 11th. And we're gonna be recording our "hit" DNE on the 28th. I'm looking forward to be able to record our first song, and I'm pretty excited about it. And yeah, more bonding moments with band mates (hopefully inclusive of the ex-members). I'm also looking forward to Star Castle's recognition which will definitely happen soon, be able to do tours either a nation tour or the ambitious world tour. Hahaha.